January 08, 2013

My Bake-it List

Hello, my name is Carey and I'm a girl on a mission. For years now, I've been collecting a mental list of great foods and recipes I want to make. That list is growing cobwebs and gathering dust in the back of my very forgetful, mother-of-three-demanding-kids, sleepy mind. It's time to dust it off and finally put my food where my mouth is!! This blog will be my diary of my successes, my failures, but most of all, a record of checking off my list, one recipe at a time.

A new year is here, and there's no better time to start. In addition to my ever growing bake-it list, I've been cleaning and organizing all over the place, so I pulled out all of the cookbooks I rarely never use. These have been living in my pantry, hidden away in a dark closet and forgotten. Some of these books were gifts (sorry if you're reading this and you were the lovely giver!), and some I saw in a store and couldn't leave without buying. I've committed to making at least two recipes in each book this year. They now live on a shelf in my kitchen island, front and center for me to see everyday and easily access. See the links below for each book.

Join me on my journey as I check off recipes I must make before I die, and find new recipes from cookbooks that are just begging to be used.

Bake-it List of Cookbooks:

Luscious Lemon Desserts
RatioThe Pioneer Woman Cooks
The Best Simple Recipes
The Petit Appetit Cookbook
Gale Gand's Brunch
Deceptively Delicious
Sunday Suppers at Lucques
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
Ruhlman's Twenty
My Family Table
Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home